Hey! What's up?

Name's Sheila, grennie.

I'm from Spain. I was born on 22th January of 2001.

¡I'm a fangirl and I can't be controlled!


Main DeviantArt Account: damagedoneisforever.deviantart.com

Backup DeviantArt Account: infinitefanforever.deviantart.com


I love read, edit, listen to music, watch movies and TV series. I love Marvel Comics & DC Comics, I want to read all their comics, 'cause I only watched the movies.

My Fandoms: The Maze Runner, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, Wolfblood, Beauty and the Beast.

My "celebrity" Fandoms: Bella Thorne, Zendaya, IM5, R5, Fifth Harmony, Tonight Alive, Fall Out Boy, Evanescence, Jabbawockeez.

Wolves lover♥
Archery lover♥


"Everyone wants a magical solution for their problems and everyone refuses to believe in magic." -Jefferson (Mad Hatter), Once Upon A Time

"Not all monsters do monstruous things." -Lydia Martin, Teen Wolf

"Be careful, don't die" -Minho, The Maze Runner
"Great, we're all bloody inspired." -Newt, The Maze Runner

"We come into the world alone and we leave the same way. The time we spend in between - time spent alive, sharing, learning together... is all that makes life worth living." -Jean Grey.

"Fall in love when you're ready not when you're lonely." -Rydel Lynch

"Why do we fall?" "So we can learn to pick ourselves up." -Alfred, Batman

"There'll be dark days ahead of us too, and there'll be days where you feel alone, and that's when hope is needed most. Keep it alive." -Gwen Stacy, TASM

"Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes we need a little help." -Professor X.

"Be your own anchor." -Melissa McCall, Teen Wolf.

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves." -Allison Argent, Teen Wolf

"We are different. But we shouldn't be trying to fit into society." -Raven Darkholme, X-Men First Class

"People are going to tell you who you are your whole life. You just got to punch back and say 'No, this is who I am.'" -Emma Swan, Once Upon A Time

"I lost my shoe" -Sam Winchester, Supernatural♥

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." -Castiel, Supernatural

"My 'people skills' are 'rusty'" -Castiel, Supernatural♥

"I can't control their fear, only my own." -Wanda Maximoff, Captain America Civil War

"No more fear, no more shock, no more questioning. Play along. Past the test. Past the Trials." -Thomas' thoughts, The Scorch Trials

"Peter Pan never fails." -Once Upon A Time

"Kill me, if you ever been my friend, kill me." -Newt's note, The Death Cure

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." -The Little Prince

"You can't let fear of failure keep you from trying." -Snow White, Once Upon A Time


Hope you like my Blingee.
I don't update a lot, sorry, but really... YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING?


  • Keren in het middelpunt van de belangstelling: 4
  • Badges: 76
  • Gouden Blingees: 15
  • Zilveren Blingees: 37
  • Stempelbijdragen: 638
  • Postcards: 0

Mijn competitie inzendingen

Don't go where I can't follow
Chris Evans ~ Blingee Red Carpet
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zipeo zegt:

2628 dagen geleden
mi grupo Bεʟʟɪssɪмa Bεʟʟa Tʜoяηε 

Daisy991 zegt:

3138 dagen geleden
Me recuerdas? :)
Hace mucho, mucho que no hablamos.

sheila.vega.o... zegt:

4138 dagen geleden
Ah! Pues Felicidades atrasadas :)

Daisy991 zegt:

4195 dagen geleden
Hola Sheila! Mañana es mi cumpleaños! Cumplo 13 años! Estoy viejita ;)

sheila.vega.o... zegt:

4210 dagen geleden
Mmm... Ok :)

Daisy991 zegt:

4217 dagen geleden
Ni a mi ;( Bueno, como estas? Yo estoy asustada. Pero relajate, nadie me esta asustando, si quieres lee uno de mis Blingees ahi sabrás por qué. Se llama "Cada vez me estoy asustando y alocando" Solo que el titulo esta escrito en inglés.

sheila.vega.o... zegt:

4219 dagen geleden
No me fue bien en Halloween :(

Daisy991 zegt:

4231 dagen geleden
Hola! Como te fue en Halloween? A mi muy cansado por que estuve caminando. Despues de todo de eso se trata. Bueno, nos vemos! ♥

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